Creating Safe Sleep Spaces: A Guide for Parents

September 29, 2023
Creating Safe Sleep Spaces: A Guide for Parents

As parents, ensuring the safety and well-being of our infants and young children is top priority. One of the fundamental aspects of this care is providing a safe sleep environment. In this post, we'll delve into the importance of a secure sleeping space, provide you with a practical safe sleep checklist, and share an example of a soothing bedtime routine for your little ones.


The Importance of a Safe Sleep Environment

Creating a safe sleep environment is crucial to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related accidents. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Back to Sleep: Always place your baby on their back for naps and bedtime until their first birthday. This position reduces the risk of SIDS.
  • Use a Firm Mattress: Ensure your baby sleeps on a firm, flat surface, such as a crib mattress, covered with a fitted sheet.
  • Keep the Crib Empty: Remove toys, pillows, bumper pads, and loose bedding from the crib. These items can pose suffocation hazards.
  • Room Sharing: Experts recommend room-sharing (as opposed to bed sharing) with your baby for the first six months to a year, as it can reduce the risk of SIDS.
  • Avoid Overheating: Dress your baby in lightweight, breathable layers, and maintain a comfortable room temperature (around 68-72°F).


Here's a handy checklist to ensure your baby's sleep environment is as safe as can be:

  • Firm, flat crib mattress with a fitted sheet
  • Remove all soft bedding, including pillows + blankets
  • Keep the crib free from all toys + bumper pads
  • Place your baby on their back for all sleep times
  • Room-share with your baby for the first six months to a year
  • Maintain a comfortable room temperature
  • Ensure the crib meets safety standards
  • Use a pacifier at naptime and bedtime
  • Avoid smoking around your baby and in the home

A consistent bedtime routine can help your child wind down and signal that it's time to sleep. Here's an example of things you could include in your bedtime routine:

  • Bath Time: Start with a warm, calming bath. This can help relax your child's muscles and soothe them before bedtime.
  • PJ Time: After the bath, dress your child in their cozy pajamas.
  • Story Time: Spend some quality time reading a bedtime story together. Choose gentle, calming books to set the right mood.
  • Snuggle Time: Give your child a few minutes of cuddle time or a gentle massage to help them relax.
  • Quiet Time: Turn down the lights and create a calming atmosphere in your child's room.
  • Bedtime Song: Sing a soft lullaby or play soothing music.
  • Goodnight Kiss: Give your child a goodnight kiss and tuck them into bed.
  • Be consistent: Stick to the same routine every night to help your child establish a healthy sleep pattern.

Remember, every child is unique, and what works best for one may not work for another. Adapt the routine to suit your child's preferences and needs.


Creating a safe sleep environment and a consistent bedtime routine can lead to better sleep for both you and your little one. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to providing a safe + cozy sleeping space for your bundle of joy.

Check out these resources for more info:

Safe Kids Sleep Safety

CDC Helping Babies Sleep Safely


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